Empathy is the most effective form of love for all nurturing and healing relationships, that needs to precede any boundary enforcement.

We can learn how to use empathy in various relationship settings, such as self-reflection/meditation, family interaction, communication in relationships/ partnership, and social interaction.

What is the highest level of compassion, i.e., empathy at Stage 5?

It is to understand others’ emotions from their perspectives in various settings, including those of the victims and their families, 

and those of the perpetrators, even when they commit crimes such as killing others for no apparent reasons other than suspected mental challenges such as depression and suicidality . 

Empathy, i.e. compassion at Stage 5, implies inclusion, diversity, and equity.

What Empathy is not:

Empathy is not simply
1. to identify: cry when others cry like babies do
2. to please: shower with nice gifts such as money, jewelry, or car
3. to advise: give a well-intended advice/lecture out of worries
4. to show pity: providing a good meal/financial support for the unfortunate
5. to show sympathy: feel for those who are in the similar experienced situation
6. to be indifferent: be respectful of one's personal right to the freedom of experiencing danger, misery, depression, loneliness, and lack of safety and security
(for example, homelessness)

What is Dark Empathy?
When empathy is used in negative way for personal gain, it can be called Dark Empathy.

Dr. Roland Kim

Empathic communication starts with the one toward self when we experience failure, make mistakes, feel defeated, and inadequate. 

We need to reevaluate conventional parenting strategies that may be ineffective in repairing the damaged relationships with emotionally challenged child.

Teachers and school officials are often concerned about keeping the order of a class or school to be less empathic dealing with emotionally challenged children. They often use consequences based on authoritative disciplining principle before showing any empathy for the acting out children.

Most of the communication breakdown happens because of the each party’s inability to show empathy toward each other.

Many of the politicians, government employees and public servants may have difficulty to use empathy because of their primary policy aim to keep the order of the society and fulfillment of their job duty required as a system.

Be in Demand with Our Empathy Training

We humans are not equipped with effective empathy skills essential for maintaining or repairing healthy relationships.
Therefore, empathy as the most advanced communication/parenting skills need to be trained for.

Coming Soon.

Empathic Self communication Training

You can learn the most effective parenting approach to help emotionally challenged children practicing with commonly used communication samples.

Empathic Parent communication Training

You can learn the most effective parenting approach to help emotionally challenging using these most commonly used communication samples children.

Empathic Teacher Communication Training

You can learn how to communicate with your partner in conflict using these most commonly used communication samples.

Empathic Couple Communication Training

You can learn how to communicate with your partner in conflict using these most commonly used communication samples.

Application of Empathic Approach to Government / Social Programs

You can learn how to apply empathy to social programs civil servants such as police, legal representatives and politicians working for citizens including disadvantaged, criminals and homeless population.

Training in Balancing between Empathy and Boundary Setting

You can learn how to find the balance between boundary setting and empathy to prevent possible breakdown of workable relationship for reparation

What Clients Say About My Empathic Approach

Dr. Kim has been the most helpful psychologist I have encountered. He helped me get through a difficult time in my life and I know I wouldn't be where I am today if not for him. He cares about his patients as more than just patients-- you can tell when you talk with him.  He will work with you, focusing his energy to strengthen you emotionally. He practices a little bit different type of therapy that is more interactive and conversational - i like it because it is not like you are talking to a wall and feel you are being listened to and understood. He is really intelligent, down-to-earth and good for patients of all backgrounds and cultures. It can be hard to find the right therapist so don't give up if you haven't had good luck connecting with other therapists so far--Dr. Kim may be the one for you. Life can be tough and we can't always get through it by ourselves. I hope this review can help someone get help as I did from him.
Harry D.
Berkeley, Ca, USA
Can't believe it's already been a year since I first met Roland. Since then it's been a wild ride and so many things have happened. I can't thank him enough for being there for me the whole time and for showing genuine care and dedication in affecting me and my family's lives. It's not often that a person outside of family truly invests and cares for my well-being, but I've felt his sincerity and candid attitude in guiding me to a better place. I appreciate him greatly.
Allen O.
From Fullerton, CA
Dr. Kim has been an incredible help for me and my development. I feel lucky to have met such a caring and helpful individual in my life, I consider him a friend after 5 years working with him. I'm a fairly hesitant person and at times was resistant to the process but every time, Dr. Kim would welcome me back and we would continue. Through the process I feel like I've grown more in the short time working with Roland and he has helped me develop a set of tools for my thinking and emotional growth as an adult. With Roland, I was able to progress myself emotionally and build the strength to move forward in my life. I'm currently pursuing my master's degree and couldn't be happier with the decision and I owe Roland so much thanks in his support and encouragement. I highly recommend Roland and for me, having never worked with a psychologist, Roland was patient and I trust his methods and guidance so much.
Alex S.
Los Angeles, CA
While I was dealing with the on-going fear of social situation and life in general, and even when we had some differences in the way we saw life, he supported my decision even if he would not immediately agree with what I chose at the time. He has been there all along waiting for me as a constant and supportive friend and mentor with belief in me having the ability to find the right path. He is patient, non-judgemental and empathetic with intelligence which also motivated me to pursue my second career to become a professional counselor. I highly recommend him to those who have had struggle with life due to early traumas like mine and are willing to follow his lead with trust and belief about getting healthier even if it may not be a quick process.
Ray A.
Van Nuys, CA