About 5 Stage empathy model

In the 5 stage theory of civilization, I found that the development of empathic ability is determined along the path of our emotional and socio-cultural development based on my research on the last 100 years of psychological and psychoanalytic theories.

Many people cannot differentiate between various levels of empathy in a different context and the emotional level of development. According to the model, love can also hurt at the one level of need to meet the need of themselves or others in different situations.

Empathy is understanding others’ feeling but empathic action may not be simply yielding to their demands if it involves more danger in the future.

Empathy involves communication, education and persuasion, but not force, unless someone is in a life and death situation.

Many people do not differentiate among various levels of empathy we all display depending on the situation and the emotional level of development.
According to the model, love can also hurt at the one level of need for meeting the need at different levels.

Most of our empathic ability is developed with our personality or emotional level of development during childhood.

It is important for us to be aware about our typical pattern of empathic behavior toward our children, neighbors, coworkers or others in the community or outside the community. 

As we develop more empathic ability through psychotherapy or training, we can better affect others for the betterment of the family and the community we live in.